Reaching a Major Milestone in Sonora, Mexico


For the last several years, The Hope Effect has been on a journey to pioneer family-style care in Sonora, Mexico. Your support has allowed us to build relationships with local and state governments, work with the community, and advocate for orphaned and vulnerable children. 

In February of this year, we became the first nonprofit to receive government approval to provide family-style care in the state of Sonora. We are honored to be partnering with the Sonoran government to pioneer this innovative model of orphan care in the capital city of Hermosillo. And now, we've reached another incredible milestone!

Over the last few months, our team in Hermosillo has been busy recruiting the first amazing families for this program. These families have been interviewed by our team and by the government. And last week, they went through one of the final steps...completing a three-day training course for providing family-style care.

We are thrilled to announce that these families are the first ever to be certified to provide family-style care in the state of Sonora!

Paving the Way


It was a wonderful three days, and we are so grateful for these families. They are paving the way - opening their homes and hearts to orphaned and vulnerable children in a way that's never been done before in Sonora. 

In addition, the training strengthened our partnership with the government of Sonora. Nine psychologists from the state DIF (Mexico's version of Child Protective Services) attended the training. We look forward to continuing to work with the government on behalf of children in Sonora.

What Happens Next?


At this time, our staff and the Sonoran government have fully approved two families, and the third is finishing up the final approval process. That means that very soon, the first children in Sonora will get out of an institution and into the arms of a loving family!

And the momentum is growing! Several additional families are in the beginning stages of the approval process. We look forward to taking them through the training in the near future. 

We can't say it enough...thank you! It's been a long journey in Sonora, and your continued support made it possible. We are so excited to share stories of the lives you are changing in Hermosillo. You are making a difference. You are changing the way the world cares for orphans!

P.S. Take a look at additional pictures from the training below!


A Willing Heart and a Life Changed: Antonio's Story


Finding Family On The Road To Recovery: Eduardo and Carlos